The holiday season is well upon us. Christmas carols fill the air, houses are decorated with lights, glowing trees, and festive yard ornaments, everyone is planning for the gathering of friends or family, and our pets are watching with bright eyes (and sometimes a little bit of worry) as things change around them. While the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years is exciting and fun – it can also pose some dangers for our pets we might not always consider.  

Gatherings of family and friends are common around the holidays, and they usually involve a large number of delicious foods and treats that can sometimes be tempting to share with our furry family members – or give them the temptation to sneak a bite. Several foods are not safe for animals to eat, though, and we need to take extra precautions to keep them safe. Chocolate, alcohol, bread doughs, onions, garlic, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, and foods high in fat can all be toxic or dangerous for our animals – sometimes causing life-threatening illness. It is important to remind our guests not to share food with our pets and remember to keep them out of the kitchen to avoid accidental sneaking as well! 

In addition to food, some common holiday plants and decorations can be toxic to or pose harm for our pets Poinsettia, mistletoe, pine trees, and holly are all toxic if ingested and, in some cases, can lead to death. It is very important to keep these and all plants out of reach of cats and dogs. Holiday decorations such as Christmas ornaments, lights, and tinsel pose a dangerous threat as well. Accidental ingestion or chewing on any part of these can lead to emergency surgery or injury and have severe consequences. Training our pets to stay away from the holiday tree or placing a barricade to the tree, decorations, and plants can be a life saving measure.  

If you have more questions about the dangers reviewed in this article or are concerned your pet might have ingested an item listed here, please contact us at Four Paws Animal Hospital and Wellness Center (540-898-5388) to schedule an examination. From our team to your home, we wish you Happy Holidays!